I’m Katie, a certified Life Coach and teacher of 20 years.
As a parent coach, I’m here to help you create a calm and happy home, filled with confident kids.
Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and burnt out from parenting? Do you sometimes lose your temper and feel guilty about it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. I’m here to help you take a fresh approach to parenting, and transform your relationship with your children.
My coaching is not about quick-fix tips or one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, I’ll guide you on a journey of self-discovery, helping you become more self-aware and conscious in your parenting. By looking within yourself, you’ll be able to identify your wiring, beliefs, values, needs, and narratives, and learn how they may be impacting your relationship with your children.
With my coaching, you’ll learn how to manage your stress and anger, become calmer, more tolerant, and patient, and improve your communication with and understanding of your teenagers. You’ll also discover how to build better relationships with your children and create a happier, more fulfilling family life.
My coaching services and courses are designed for parents who are looking to create better connections with their children and teenagers. Whether you’re a working parent or a stay-at-home parent, I’m here to support you every step of the way.
This calm, connected parenting approach not only creates a happier home, but helps builds the internal wiring in your child for positive communication patterns, and a strong sense of self and self-confidence, enabling them to thrive in later life.
Are you ready to become a more conscious parent and create a calmer home for your family? If so, I invite you to explore my coaching services and courses. Let’s work together to create a happy, healthy, and thriving family life!
Thank you for being here with me.